How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies Fast With Our DIY Treatment

So you want to know how to get rid of fruit flies all over your kitchen? Click to read our DIY treatment for fruit flies that actually works fast!

how to get rid of fruit flies
how to get rid of fruit flies

Are you annoyed by tiny flies in your house? Do you wonder why they show up at times and seem to flourish?

You’re most likely dealing with fruit flies. The females lay eggs that hatch within a few days and reach maturity in 48 hours. At that point, they can lay more eggs and create the next generation.

In comfortable household conditions, fruit flies can live from 30 to 50 days. Great, so they love your home’s climate, and they reproduce quickly. The proverbial $50,000 question is “How to get rid of fruit flies”.

Keep reading to find several DIY strategies to tackle and subdue these pests.

More About Fruit Flies Than You May Want to Know

Fruit flies can show up any time of the year. Their favorite accommodations are in damp, moist places. This includes kitchen trash cans, disposals, compost bins, and drains.

They’re called fruit flies because they love fruit, especially if it’s fermenting or rotting. The two fruit fly families are the Drosophilidae and Tephritidae.

The most common family visiting our homes is the Drosophilidae. They have translucid wings. If you take a close look at the Tephritidae family, you’ll see colorful wing markings.

Both families are very small with light-brown heads and thoraxes and darker abdomens. You may be intrigued or horrified to learn that they have bright red eyes. They can squeeze through tiny cracks including screens.

Can Fruit Flies Transmit Disease?

There’s no scientific evidence to show that accidental ingestion of the flies or eggs will harm you. Try not to gag. Yes, this does happen because they’re so small and people don’t see them on the fruit.

Now, let’s discuss disease vectors. Insects such as fleas and mosquitoes sting or bite animals and humans. When they do this, they may pick up bacteria or viruses.

When they bite or sting the next animal or person, they can transmit the virus or bacteria. This makes them a disease vector because they carry it from one being to another.

The great news about fruit flies is that they don’t bite so they’re not disease vectors. Yet, it’s possible for infectious agents to stick to the outside of their bodies. Then, when they get on the fruit or vegetable, the infection can transfer.

This most often occurs when they’re laying eggs. The female makes a hole in the fruit for the eggs to rest in.

Now that the external “skin” of the fruit is broken, the infectious agent can get in and multiply. If you eat this infected food, you may contract a bacterial or viral disease.

How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies

The first step is understanding what attracts fruit flies in your home. By knowing that they’re drawn to decaying or overripe fruit and vegetables you can triumph. You’re ready to make a plan focused on prevention and treatment for fruit flies.

Start by keeping fruits and vegetables in sealed containers or the refrigerator. Use closed trash bins and empty them often. Sanitize kitchen counters, sinks, drains, and disposals with a sterilizing agent. 

Keep in mind that the goal is to remove all fruit fly breeding grounds.

Create a Fruit Fly Trap

After removing the fruit fly attraction points, it’s time to get rid of the ones in your house. The following describes several fruit fly traps you can make to solve this problem.

Bottle Trap Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Get an empty bottle and pour about one-quarter of a cup of apple cider vinegar into it. Place plastic wrap over the opening and secure it in place with a rubber band.

Next, poke a small hole in the plastic wrap. The fruit flies will be attracted to the vinegar and go in through the hold. The fruit flies dine in but then they can’t check out.

Wine Bottle Trap

Place an open wine bottle with a little wine in the bottom on your kitchen counter. This also attracts fruit flies that go in for a little nightcap. The bottleneck shape confuses them (and now they’re a little tipsy) so they can’t get out.

Beer Trap

Put about half a cup of fresh or old beer in a mason jar. Screw the lid on and then punch a couple of holes in it.

The fruit flies are drawn to the beer like it’s a frat house party. They over-imbibe and drown. This one trap can serve its purpose for months.

Dish Soap and Apple Cider Vinegar Trap

Mix two drops of liquid dish soap with apple cider vinegar in a small bowl. Make sure you put this in a place where your pets can’t get to it. This attracts the fruit flies hoping for a delicious drink but kills them instead.

Grow Potted Basil

While we love the smell of fresh basil, fruit flies do not like it one bit. Keeping fresh basil growing in your kitchen helps drive them away. You can also put a couple of leaves in the bottom of your fruit bowl as a deterrent.

Do You Have Uninvited Guests in Your Northern California Home?

This article provided DIY methods explaining how to get rid of fruit flies. If you have bigger problems that need a professional’s help, call Fast Action Pest Control.

Our experts use only high-quality products tailored to handle your pest problem. This includes several treatment methods at each service to provide more complete results. If the issue persists, we’ll quickly return until the problem is fully managed.

Check out our Enhanced Service Program that offers service every other month. This provides protection from common California pests. Schedule a free inspection today to keep your home free of pests.